Leading with Curiosity: Shifting from eXPert to eXPlorer in Today’s VUCA World
In today’s volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world, the traditional notion of being an expert is no longer sufficient for effective leadership. With the rapid pace of change and increasing complexity, it is virtually impossible for any one person to have all the answers. Instead, leaders must adopt a mindset of curiosity and embrace the role of an explorer.

Two Sides of the Same Coin – Mindset Lessons from Henry Ford
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right!” This quote from Henry Ford exemplifies the power of one’s mindset. Anyone familiar with Henry Ford’s story recognized that he embodied this quote as an incredibly determined and self-willed individual. For him, it was his way or the highway and he was quite adamant about his ways. This mindset would contribute to his early rise and success and later to his decline.

The past few years have tested our limits in every way. Individuals and organizations have been pushed to look at new ways of doing business and getting work done. Some have found success. Others have struggled.

W.A.I.T. For The Holidays. The One Size, Fits All Gift for Every Day Effective Listening
Listening is the foundation for effective communication. However, most of us are compelled to speak in order to feel valuable to the conversation. Speaking is usually the first word that comes to mind when people think about communication. But speaking is only part of the process, listening is the other part and is even more important.

To Zoom or Not to Zoom, that is the question? Or is it? Dealing with Meeting Frustration
Meetings have been identified as one of the constant frustrations even well before the pandemic. All that the pandemic did was force us into having to meet remotely due to safety reasons. In that moment, many jumped to their video conferencing tool of choice (Zoom, Teams, Webex, etc.) without much thought.

A look Into The Pandemic - Change Leadership and the Role of Emotions
The Importance of Change Leadership During A Worldwide Pandemic and how to keep your team unified, happy and productive regardless of where your team is working.